Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Donut Trees

This is a picture of a donut seed.

A long time ago (Mommy says back in April), I was visiting Grammy and Pappy. Pappy took me outside and I helped him plant some seeds. He said that they were donut seeds and in a couple days we could pick donuts off of the donut trees that would grow.

Sure enough, Mommy and Daddy took me to their house a couple of days later. There were new trees all over the yard and each tree had a donut in them. Me and Ee got to pick the donuts and then EAT THEM!!! I love donuts!

This is a picture of me last year enjoying a donut. I still love them, but I don't make a mess with them anymore so Mommy doesn't take pictures of me eating them.

This is a picture of Ee just last week enjoying a donut. I think I am going to talk to Mommy about planting donut trees in our garden instead of yucky zucchini!


Promises said...

What a great idea! I am sure that Brady will be asking me to plant donut trees when he sees this! That is so cute!

Kelli said...

I agree. I would much rather have a donut tree. Do they have seeds for Boston Cream?